Build in public: The #1 strategy I would use right now

The future of marketing is all about being real

Reading time: 4 mins.

Ever feel like you're doing everything right, but your business growth is stuck on "snooze"? You're not alone. The marketing game has changed, and the old "polished perfection" playbook just doesn't cut it anymore.

Think about it: stunning social media, loyal followers, even a quality product you love – yet no action. Why? Because people crave connection, not perfection. They want to see the real you, the struggles, the wins, the journey. That's where "building in public" comes in – and it's the #1 growth tactic I'd use right now.

Forget the polished, picture-perfect campaigns of yesterday. They're good for brand aesthetics but won't cut it for growth anymore. The new strategy? Be raw, real, and omnipresent.

Why? Culture's shifted. People crave transparency and connection. They want to see the real stories behind the brand - the struggles, the wins, and everything in between.

Here’s how you adapt:

  • Create more, polish less: Share raw, real-time content across platforms. Let your personality shine. Don’t waste time on polishing your content - instead, spend that extra time on creating even more content.

  • Embrace imperfection: Mistakes happen, own them. Share struggles, learn from them, and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

  • Be consistent, not repetitive: Don't just "post about posting." Offer valuable, digestible content several times a day.

Think transparency, not top-down:

Remember the "expert, take it or leave it" approach? Ditch it. Today's consumers crave inclusivity:

  • Shift from "me" to "we": Engage with your community, listen to their needs, and create content that resonates with them.

  • Vulnerability is your superpower: Share your challenges, failures, and even "secret sauce" tips – it builds trust and authenticity.

  • Become a storyteller: Craft compelling narratives around your journey, showcasing your expertise and values.

Let's get specific. The key is to tailor your "build in public" journey to your unique brand and audience. Tailor it to highlight your USPs and not just create content for competitors to explore. Here are some examples:

Fashion Designer:

  • Document the creation of your sustainable basics collection, from sourcing to shipping.

  • Show how you create the perfect basic tshirt and why it’s so good that I will never need to buy another white tshirt? What goes into the process?

  • Share the challenges of finding ethical partners and overcoming "NOs" because you’re asking for too much.

  • Celebrate the joy of delivering high-quality, eco-friendly products to your customers.


  • Show the entire process of listing and selling a property, highlighting your expertise.

  • Tailor your story to your desired goal: if you’re selling online courses for wannabe realtors, then highlight the many challenges of this business and your unique tactics to overcome them.

  • If you’re goal is to find more clients in your local area, then highlight the lengths you go for securing the best deal for your client.


  • Give a behind-the-scenes look at curating a new exhibition, showcasing your unique perspective.

  • Tailor your story to your goals: do you want to sell affordable art online or establish yourself as a modern art leader who understands current trends better than anyone? Different goals require different approaches.


  • Stand out by showing the full journey of working with a client - highlight your ability to motivate and support the client at the toughest moments (late evening, reacching for a cookie jar…).

  • Alternatively, stand out from fellow colleagues by showing the whole process that goes into creating the perfect meal plan for your client. Include recipe trials and adjustments.

  • Share a client success story, highlighting your ability to motivate and support individuals on their health journey.

Make It a Show: Think of your brand as a series that your audience can't wait to follow. Tease new developments, celebrate milestones, and wrap up each project with key takeaways and insights. This not only captivates but also builds anticipation for what’s next.

However, you’re a brand, so don’t become just another influencer crying in front of the camera because “being in the public is so hard”. Tell stories about your challenges and processes to highlight your advantages. Don’t just cry for extra clout.

Actionable Tip of the Week: Take a moment to review your brand's current position and storytelling. Is it engaging? Is the audience growing? Does it invite your audience into your world? If not, consider how you can incorporate elements of your journey into your content strategy. Imagine you're Netflix producer and are creating the next binge-worthy reality show. What’s your take?

Ready to "Build in Public"? I'm here to help!

  • Book a consultation: If you’re feeling stuck, need idea validation or an e-commerce audit.

  • Join the Sales Accelerator Program: For 1-1 guidance to build your brand, supercharge your sales and marketing strategies.

  • Custom Marketing & Sales Strategy: Ideal for established brands or those launching new products.

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